Cost centric culture; remove complexity!

Master financial outcomes with precise cloud cost governance.

Your Optimization pipeline is wasting you time and money

  • Processes Don’t Scale: Cloud costs need to be actively managed, spreadsheets and manual analysis doesn’t scale.


  • Complex Change Management: Manual DIY optimization is more challenging than many FinOps teams expect

  • Budgetary Oversight Loopholes: Control over expenditures, with real-time visibility into cloud expenses is hard!
  • Commitment Challenges: Trying to rate optimise and usage optimisation together leads to in-correct commitments and missed savings.

  • Forecasting Precision: Accurate cost forecasting and tagging is not easily achievable and difficult to implement.

  • Poor Incentive: Engineers are not incentivized to reduce cloud cost. Top down processes even make it more complex.

Here’s why WiseOps is the right choice for FinOps teams

Improve Application Performance
One Click Optimization

Understand and act upon recommendations on a single click. Say No to manual work

Visibility for Everyone

Granular level visibility of optimisation opportunities across all the accounts.

In the flow of work

Never miss a cloud optimisation opportunity with our co-pilot embedded within cloud console.

How does WiseOps work?

Say goodbye to the pitfalls of compounded inefficiencies. WiseOps Cloud Co-pilot revolutionizes the way you approach cloud cost management. Moving beyond the outdated model of annual cost optimization.


Our solution cultivates a proactive, continuous, and cost-conscious culture. This shift empowers teams to manage cloud expenses efficiently from the ground up, ensuring ongoing optimization and smarter spending

How WiseOps work

Real Results, Real People: What Our Customers say

"Working with WiseOps has been a game-changer for Edureka. Their Wise Tuner tool enabled us to reduce our overall AWS costs by 33%, specifically optimizing our RDS, Elasticache, and EC2 instances. The ease of integration and the seamless automation provided by WiseOps allowed our engineering team to focus on core activities rather than manual cloud management."

Testimonial Image
Ranvijay Singh

Head of Engineering

"We were able to adopt and work with WiseOps in under two days, and were delighted with getting 32% of savings on our total cloud bill. Our team's productivity soared, and we finally feel in control of our cloud spending. Bravo!"

Testimonial Image
Manoj Patel

Head of Engineering, Kofluence

"As the co-founder of Sportiqo, a leading cricket fantasy gaming platform, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of WiseOps on our AWS management. We've not only streamlined our cloud operations but also unlocked substantial 31.84% reduction in our AWS expenses."

Testimonial Image
Andy Kar

Co-Founder, Sportiqo

"WiseOps algorithm displayed exceptional expertise in deciphering our cloud infrastructure, pinpointing key areas for cost-effective enhancements without sacrificing performance. Their predictive strategies led to a remarkable 18% decrease in our AWS expenses monthly."

Testimonial Image
Ravi Verma

DevOps, Cogoport